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Ministry Opportunities

​Here at Emmanuel United Church of Christ we have many opportunities for Ministry and Outreach for our members and our youth.
Templed Hills.JPG

Each year our Emmanuel youth have the opportunity to attend Church Camp at Templed Hills Camp and Retreat Center in Bellville, OH.  At camp, our youth get to know God, themselves, and others as they become better friends in a good community that solves problems without fighting.  They also learn about, understand, and respect nature, as well as how best to care for themselves, others, and all of God's creation.  All while having fun as they learn, work, and worship together with other campers.


Summers: June - August

Community VBS

During the month of July, Emmanuel works with other area churches in the Community of Bluffton, OH to organize and run a Community Vacation Bible School program.  Each year the location of the program rotates between the participating churches.  This is a wonderful way for our youth and our community to come together in an ecumenical mission to share the Love of Christ as One Body.



From the Pulpit
Adult Bible Study

Our Adult Bible Study Group meets on a weekly basis during the Fall, Winter, and Spring to explore the Word of God in order to better understand God's Will for us, ourselves, and how we, as individuals and a community of faith, can best serve God and our greater community.  Our group is open to any who wish to join us!


   September - May

Women's Outreach

Our Women's Outreach group is comprised of women out of highschool and older who gather together for various programs and outreach missions within our church and for the Bluffton Community.  Missions include: meal preparation & visitation for our at-home members, putting together disaster kits & personal care kits, volunteering at the local nursing homes, and making contributions for building improvements as well as to local Outreach projects.


Third Monday of Each Month

Ongoing Missions at Emmanuel

There are many missions in which Emmanuel participates throughout the year.  Our current missions include:


- Eye Glasses Collection - Any frames or glasses you are no longer using

                                             can be donated to VOSH.


 - Bluffton Food Pantry -  We are currently responsible for donating

                                             toiletries to the local food pantry at St. John's

                                             UCC Bluffton.


- Community Market Receipts - Funds raised by collected Community

                                                        Market Receipts go towards our Youth

                                                        Fund for youth activities.


- Noisy Collection - The first Sunday of each month our youth collect

                                  loose change to go towards a local charity or

                                  non-profit.  This year goes to the "SPREAD THE LOVE"                                     Faith Christian church who is preparing and                                                    delivering free after school meals to kids in Lima

8375 Phillips Rd

Bluffton, OH 45817



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Adult Faith Formation     10:15am
Worship Service               9:00am

Office Hours Mon & Wed 8am to 1:pm


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